Tuesday, October 20, 2009

fistfulls of cookie

So, my daughter loves the cookie/cupcake lady...who wouldn't? :)
She loves the spicey cookies, Snickerdoodles and Molasses ones, and today she had to have a smidge of raspberry buttercream.

My Broncos beat up on the Chargers last night, and the Phillies managed to pull another win out of nowhere...so I'm waiting for the roof to cave in...LOL

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

feeling old

just having one of those days, but I did get some good coffee and good cookies today, so not all is lost.

little one is having her nap, then we are off to Poetry Class for the big one after he gets off the bus.

got to enjoy the hallway dancers again, its a highlight of my week. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Favorite Place: McGuffey

So, after we have finished at the Discovery Museum, we sometimes end up at McGuffey:

These are their newest exhibits which are awesome! Cynthia Burke amazes as always and some work by Rachel Kerwin is extremely powerful.


On the last two Tuesdays, we have managed to be there when one of the dance groups is doing work in the hallway, and today my daughter got up out of my lap and walked over near the dancers and the violinist, who welcomed her as part of their dance. If I had paints there at that moment, I could paint it. :)

Its interesting, both girls get so much out of going to McGuffey, they usually arrive at a quiet place and are very in tune with the dancers and the stillness around the dance.

Monday, October 5, 2009

another question...

why do the people who make sweatshirts for toddler girls think that we would like them to be colder than their boy counterparts? I figure they think as long as the girl is cute and in pink or purple, who cares if they are cold...

so, we bought her the warmer BLUE sweatshirt- phhhhbbbbbt!

Monday Ponderings

#1 Why do all toddlers(okay, specifically mine) feel the need to see what it will take to make a drip proof sippy cup drip?

#2 Why do all toddlers(alright...mine again) throw said sippy cup over and over again...okay maybe I should stop picking it up?

I'm guessing there will be no satisfactory answers on google, and I"m guessing the real answer is...

Because she freakin' feels like it!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I wish my kiddo would use a plastic pacifier instead of me, I'm hoping we get through this round of teeth soon, because 2:47am is just too early to be blogging about teething...

Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething. ~Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson, 1894

Free Time?

During my so called 'free time', when I probably should be cleaning out my fridge, or the toilet, I do genealogy.

I started when my son was about 2 and a half, and have been doing it ever since. I am currently working my maternal grandmother's lines, my fathers paternal and maternal lines, and my FIL's paternal lines.

Though I use Ancestry.com and a few paid sites, I find that there is still enough good free info out there for anyone to get started. Right now, my favorites are:

A newish 'Social Networking' Genealogy site. I've met some grand new folks, and worked some of my bricks loose a bit:

Family Search Record Search




I'll post more about my adventures in genealogy hunting later...got two sick kids today...its going to be a long two days. :(

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So, here is the first answer:

Generally a good answer, but even my five year old will hear the word atom and his eyes will glaze over and he'll want to go play Ben10 or watch oldish Batman cartoon movies..

so, the second hit gave me:

I like this one! :)

Favorite Things: Treats

So, "Favorite Things" will be a regular blog posting, basically places/things/ideas in town that I support, and would love others to support.

So, my first Favorite Things are:
(in a tie and alphabetically, so no one gets silly)



My kids have grown up at Chaps, and starting a few months ago, I started going into Cappellino's, and eating cupcakes and cookies more frequently than I used to.

At Chaps, my favorite ice cream is still 4Cs, though I have tried many other flavors just to play fair, and I like the Golden Nugget, and the Heath Bar Crunch.

Most of all, I like these two places, because I don't feel like an alien with three heads when I bring my children and assorted 'stuff' with me into their establishments, they treat my kiddos as people and treat them like family. :)


original beginning...

I was sitting next to my daughter watching the unrecyclable yogurt cups floating in her little tub that she has almost outgrown, and I realized I couldn't tell her the reason why they were bouncing on top of the water instead of automatically dropping to the bottom.

I'm going to use my innate googleness and track down an answer that I like and post it.

That is one reason I started this blog, so I have a place where I can come up with answers to questions that I have so I can someday actually have an answer for my children if and when they are curious to ask.